Tuesday, April 15

Nutrition and Public Policy

 Policy. Bipartisan. Congressional Budget Office. Treat Reduce Obesity Act. Bills.  Legislators.

To be quite honest these were terms that had been quite mysterious and perplexing to me until the Public Policy Workshop. This workshop wasn't like any workshop I've ever been to. Other Dietitians from all around the US were there committed to training young leaders like me on how to effectively advocate for the profession. Everyone was grouped according to their state and lead into discussions on the Academy's big three priority areas: Older Americans Act, Treat and Reduce Obesity Act and Preventive Health Savings Act.

Each lecture was designed to give us the tools to communicate with our state legislators. Joy Bauer from the 'Today Show,' kicked off the Sunday conference with points of effectively communicating to your audience. It was emphasized during one lecture using a 6 C's alliteration that you are to express yourself: clearly, concisely, compassionately, conversationally, correctly and candidly. These tips paved the way to set our action plan for meetings on "The Hill."

This training brought us to our final day meeting with our State Senators and Representatives. At the beginning, the thought was quite daunting. Being a first timer I envisioned a panel of black tie and suits sitting on one side of the table; emotionless and serious. However, on out first visit Cody Magulek started talking to his representatives' staffer about the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act and everyone started to jump in expressing their own angle on the bill. Everyone was simply conversing with one another and I found myself relating my experiences to the need for this reauthorization and how it benefits many elders. Wow. Who knew talking to them would be this much fun and easy!

If there was one thing I learned and developed it was my confidence. We are the nutrition professionals. We have to advocate not only for ourselves but for the future individuals entering the field of Dietetics. As the overarching theme of this conference states, "If Dietetics is your profession then policy should be your passion!" 

New Jersey Public Policy Team with Senator Cory Booker

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